My Three Angels

My Three Angels
Now go, read all about our crazy, so not boring, and exciting life!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Well, Taylor woke up yesterday complaining of a sore throat. I took her on to school and she went home sick yesterday. Instead of taking her to the clinic, like he should have, the ex just set her an appointment with the doctor for Monday. She felt horrible all night last night. She woke many many times crying in her sleep. Eventually, she was in my bed and we were up before 8a getting ready to go to the clinic in Sulphur Springs. I hated to have the co-pay stuck on me, but if getting her well is what needs to be done, then I will! So, we went...turns out that her throat was bleeding, she tested positive for strep throat, and her white count was really highly elevated . So, she got a shot in her butt! >.< Also, she got ten days worth of baby girl was sick!!! She's playing x-box now and we are enjoying what might actually end up being a nice Saturday! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry that Taylor is sick. I hope you got gave you ex an talking to! LOL! I'm glad she is feeling better but I so hate she has strep throat. My boys have been off and on sick for months now!!!!! Now they are teething!!!!! If it is not one thing it is another. Hope yall had a great Saturday. It was a nice day but way to windy. I took the boys pics them brought them in right away. We are also dealing with allergies. Have a great week!
